7 Commandments of a Public Relations Person

7 Commandments of a Public Relations Person

Descubra os 7 mandamentos fundamentais de um profissional de relações públicas e assessoria de imprensa

Public Relations is a profession that is little understood and sometimes even misunderstood. Many people still associate this profession with a person connected to parties and who knows a lot of people and has many contacts. This is a truly reductive vision, being a PR person is much more than that! It's to be a specialist in communication between people, companies and the media. It's having the ability to manage media and deal with communication channels in the most varied and challenging contexts. Every day ends up being different for a professional in this area.  

PR people know what their possible areas of activity are and who their main clients are. But for everything to run smoothly and your service to be of excellent quality, you need to know how to behave and what are the main duties of the professional. Remember that we all do a bit of Public Relations every day, about ourselves, the company we work for, the product we buy, the company from which we subscribe to a service. Whether we are advertisers, students, entrepreneurs...  

In this article, Do It On presents 7 fundamental commandments of a PR person: 

A PR person has to be a good copywriter 

Knowing how to write is fundamental for the public relations professional, the information must be clear, relevant and attractive. You must be able to write content about clients, themed articles, press releases, annual reports, event reports, etc. Therefore, besides being a good copywriter, the professional has to be creative. Regarding the communication of the organization with its publics, being the PR professional a "communication manager" he has to adapt the messages to be transmitted in the simplest and most transparent way through an objective, clear and concise text. At a time when it is increasingly difficult to establish clear communication between organizations and their audiences through a single message, it is necessary to adapt it to be well assimilated by the other party.  

Be innovative and creative 

You must not let yourself be influenced by the traditional. You must always be willing to remain open to new ideas and new and better research and working methods. Investing in creativity and innovation is the best way to win new customers and expand the company's business to new markets. These two assignments are related to originality and coming up with new trends, to do something different from the usual. For PR, creativity helps that it can be used with different expressions and forms. 

Being able to plan for the short and long term 

Short-term planning is an important starting point for any business because it gives special attention to what is close to being achievable. These are the strategies that are used to deal with unforeseen events, or financial situations in the vast majority of cases. Often they are accompanied by the need to make a quick decision, and if they are not well planned they can become a problem. If we talk about long-term planning, this type of strategy is necessary because of the human inability to predict events. Such planning, should be as flexible as possible, besides being able to adapt to the challenges that are faced in the short and medium term, is able to exert a direct influence on the following choices.  

Enformed about your customers' business 

He must be well informed about the client's business and about developments in the business world, about government decisions that may directly affect the client's business or its companies. You must act as an advisor and as a communicator. Know how to learn and improve yourself as new situations arise for clients, as well as having the ability to draw on your previous experiences in the field of Public Relations to act in new situations that arise effectively and with as little effort as possible.  

Acting in function of the results you want to achieve  

A PR professional must always act according to the results he or she intends to achieve, whether it is when he or she wants to publish a news story about his or her client in the main media outlets or when he or she must successfully hold a certain event. He or she must know how to follow up on the results of his or her actions, and carefully respect the deadlines set.  

Being a good manager 

The PR person, being trained in the area of communication, must also have a foot in the area of management, to be able to support their activity with better management planning with innovation and creativity. We will summarize in 5 aspects that have been highlighted for the success of a good communication management within organizations:  

  1. Ensure the connection of communication with the business and its purpose. 
  1. Developing a planning that translates the communication actions into the construction of the company's objectives 
  1. Create an internal environment with your team of transparency and direct dialog 
  1. Articulate with the company's internal influencers 
  1. Develop methods to measure and present communication impact and results 

Prepare and Plan for a possible crisis management situation  

Strategic planning is part of any PR action, we try to plan but we also know that in practice it is not always possible, especially when situations arise along the way and it is necessary to act urgently. But planning is necessary, and is a fundamental part of the communication process. Crisis is a small word, but with a profound impact! The best way to work a crisis management is to make decisions with a cool head, that is, to plan the actions to be taken if the crisis arises. To this end a crisis management plan is essential for all organizations, whatever their size. 

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